Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Our Easter 2011

How blessed I was to have shared my birthday this year with the Resurrection of our Lord!  The last time my birthdate landed on Easter Sunday was in 1859, so chances are this was the only time in my lifetime for this special sharing to take place.  Of course, we celebrated the Risen Lord with morning Mass as a family - Fone served and Melody and Ariel sang their little hearts out in the children's choir.  How strange it is for us to sit in the pew with only 3 kids!  We had two Easter celebrations with our extended family that weekend.  Both gatherings were wonderful - yummy food, eggs to hunt, nice weather = lots of outdoor play, and a very happy birthday girl!!

May the JOY of this Easter season and the HOPE in our Risen Lord live in your hearts!! 


Mario and Fone




Max pushing Pookey

Fone after Mass (he always waves at us and scares us when his candle is lit!)

Ariel, Melody, and Mrs M. (their choir leader)

Fone, Max and our 6 lb. killer dog, Sophia

Sophia, Mario, Max, Ariel, Fone

Young cousins