Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Thanking God for Multitudes (on Tuesday this week)

"You say grace before meals...  But I say grace before the concert and opera, and grace before the play and pantomime, and grace before I open a book, and grace before sketching, painting, swimming, fencing, boxing, walking, playing, dancing and grace before I dip the pen in the ink.  "    -G. K. Chesterton

Let us all be aware and thankful for the wonderful graces God sends our way throughout our lives.  
Here's a peek at the gifts we were blessed with last week....


#284 - popsicles on hot summer days 
#287 - playdates for Ariel and Max while the 3 biggest Young Ones were away at art camp
#288 - TKD promotions
#289 - dancing around to Ralph's World songs in the kitchen with kiddos and breaking a sweat
#292 - extra mid-morning snuggles with Pookey who wouldn't fall back to sleep after an early-morning storm
#294 - week 1 of art camp and a sweet college student (once homeschooled) who offered this fun opportunity to our homeschool group
#295 - a cool down in the weather
#297 - splashing in puddles after the rain
#298 - sink baths and clean piggies 
#299 - comet and a 3M scratchpad to clean and sparkle my new kitchen sink
#300 - last minute planning to have a family game night  :)
#301 - what an amazing family we have!
#302 - Pookey's shy scowl
#305 - the itty bitty spider spinning a web on our shepherd's hook right outside our front door
#307 - for a wonderful night
#308 - Matthew, Mark, Luke and Jon clothes
#310 - new lungs for Melanie
#311 - waffles and a wife who knows how to make them  :)
#312 - a triple celebration - Big Red's anniversary, Grandma and Grandpa's 65 wedding anniversary, and Pentecost!!
#313 - running errands with my sweet blondie boy, Max
#318 - my dh, who helped me get through art camp last week (and this week).... getting 6 kids (and a mom) up and going, fed, dressed and out the door at a decent time
#319 - a cookout around the fire ring and family prayers outdoors


Won't you join in on the counting? ....