Monday, December 12, 2011

Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus! (Advent week 3)

 "The spirit of Advent largely consists in living close to our Lady during the time she is carrying Jesus in her womb.  We can think of our whole life as a somewhat longer advent, a time of waiting for that definitive moment when we will at last find ourselves with God forever."
-Francis Fernandez Carvajal

We have now hit our half-way mark to Christmas, and although lights and trees and music all around us are shouting that Christmas is already here, we are still patiently waiting for that lovely day to arrive.  Mary couldn't just choose that her son be born in her time.  She was uncomfortable with all the pains of pregnancy, and had to wait it out until He was ready to come.  Likewise, our family is choosing to wait along side our Blessed Mother, to wait to celebrate until the day He was born.  We are so thankful for our Advent traditions which help us focus on this much important waiting.  Here is our song for this third week of Advent where we will focus on the JOY that our Lord brings to our life...

Two other traditions that I forgot to post earlier, are our Lego Advent Calendar, and our banner from Story Time Felts.  Both are calendars to help us count our way to Christmas.