Saturday, October 13, 2012

Very late update on our Max....

I had posted a prayer request for our Max back in April, asking for prayers since he woke up one day with crossed eyes, glasses didn't do anything to fix the crossing and the next stop was an MRI with contrast to rule out a lesion and the quick onset.  The MRI came back normal as can be - praise God!  And, the next step was to attempt eye surgery to correct the crossing.  What a blessing it was to be facing eye surgery instead of brain surgery!  Thank you, God!  Anyways, it's now been a few months since his surgery at the end of July, and I realized that I haven't shared an update - doh!  I am SO sorry this is late getting out.

Here are some pictures with his crossing (pre-surgery)....

Day OF surgery...

right before surgery

Home and resting after surgery - he slept almost all day and didn't open his eyes up 'til evening

Finally - eyes open, but still pretty squinty

 Days after the surgery/healing process....

day after surgery - note the sunglasses because of all the light sensitivity

5 days after surgery - still pretty sensitive to light - he loved his shades! 
Some recent pictures to show his straight eyes!!!  Amazing! 


Max has had two appointments with his eye doctor since surgery and the doctor is happy with his healing and how straight his eyes are.  He doesn't want to see him back in the office until the end of December.  Yay - because this kiddo needs a break!!  :)  

Thank you all for your prayers!!  
God has been so good to us and wrapped His arms around our wonderful Max in his time of need.  
Thank you, God!!!  <><

Friday, October 12, 2012


Our family started taking Tae Kwon Do in March of 2010, we wanted a sport that would not entail us splitting up between kids, but instead bring us together.  In the beginning, Fone, Mario, and I did it, later the girls joined us as well.  I was thrilled to find something that I could do with the kids, ALL TOGETHER, and it is flexible.  I was already sick of driving each kid to a different soccer/baseball field and splitting us up for games...etc.  We have found that the discipline involved has been good for the boys, they have to take class seriously or they get to do push-ups :-).  There is a perfect mix of fun, and hard work to strive for goals.  It has become our homeschooling gym class for the older 4 kids.

April 2010 - Fone, Neil, Mario

October 2012 - Fone, Neil and Mario
Melody when she promoted to high blue in August 2012

Ariel when she promoted to low green in August 2012

The boys and I tested for our first black belt (temp black) on October 6th.  It is considered the hardest test for TKD students, you are required to perform everything that you have learned for all of the lower belts, plus spar with 10+ black belts (one at a time).  It was a great time, it tested us physically and mentally, and was a great honor to earn our temp black belts. 

Getting ready to begin test

Mario was called out first!! 

Fone's turn

Neil is ready to go!

  Neil finishing his Hwa Rang form

Neil one step sparring

 Fone and Mario doing the Chung Mu form (their highest form)

Fone and Mario one step sparring

 Fone's board break

Mario's board break

 Neil's board break

 Fone sparring Mr Vallejo

 Mario sparring Mr Vallejo

Being tested on terminology