Wednesday, October 23, 2013

* * * An October SNOW * * *

Yes, doesn't that sound CrAzY?  We had SNOW yesterday!  In October!  Snow that stuck.  Big beautiful snowflakes.  Falling on our uncarved pumpkins.  On our beautiful red roses.  It was very strange, but oh so beautiful and a lovely gift from God.  Of course, the kids had to go out and play in it.  I haven't even got out winter coats and hats and boots and gloves, so we were not at all prepared.  To get by, we grabbed some gloves and hats and sent them out in their sweatshirts.  (my poor kids froze!) 

Let the building and fun begin....

(Fone was recovering from a cold and very happy to stay inside. And, of course, miss Rose watched and enjoyed the snow from our warm, cozy house!)

++Thank you, God, for surprise snowfalls in October and for getting to enjoy all four seasons here in the Midwest!!++

What is it about babies??

I once heard that if you fall asleep praying, that your guardian angel will finish your prayers and take them up and present them in their perfect form to Our Father in Heaven.  (can't remember when and where I heard it though - lol!)  Our sweet little Rose often falls asleep in her high chair, and lately has been clasping her hands, as if praying.  Twice last week, after having fell asleep there, I found her like this...

Aren't those chubby fingers and rubber band wrists so precious??!!!  I can only imagine her perfect prayer....

"Bless my mommy.
Bless my daddy.  
Bless my brothers.  
Bless my sisters.  
Love you Jesus!

Rose is almost a year (how can that be??!!) and we are all still googly over her.  There is something so amazing, so beautiful, so miraculous in a baby.  I saw this on Facebook today and it pretty much sums up what we've been doing and how we have been feeling the last 11 months with our precious gift from God....

++Thank you, God, for babies and the JOY they bring to our world!++

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Lego crucifixion...

...  according to Max.

He was SO proud of his creation, and couldn't wait to show me his set-up!

Look familiar?  Mario made something similar earlier this year! We LOVE lego's, especially when we can tie it into our faith!  Doubly blessed!  :)

Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Called to Serve Our Ladies

This was the invitation I received from Fone to come to a Girl's Night Out with fellowship, snacks & refreshments, and entertainment.  Fone's ConQuest group had been working hard and planning for this special night for all the special ladies in their lives.  What is even more sweet is that when this idea was brought up, there was no specific group suggested for them to invite - it was the boys who decided on their own to treat their moms, aunts, grandma's, and sisters.  Just warms a momma's heart!!  We all know how much our kids love piano, so of course, Fone was going to treat us to a little of his talent.  Fone also served as the MC and he did a fabulous job!  I was so proud of him.  And, what a lovely night it was.  Here are pictures of all the fun....

 (the junior's group snuck in to watch entertainment - who's that handsome man in black and that sweet kid in glasses?)

++Thank you, God, for boys who know how to treat the ladies in their lives, faith-filled friends, great Dads who are great examples to their boys, and an awesome program to help the boys learn about and grow in virtue!++

Celebrating the Month of the Rosary

October is the month of the Rosary, and other than actually praying the Rosary (always been in little chunks at our place... "a decade a day"), we have been trying to incorporate a few fun activities and treats into our learning and faith formation this month....
**We attended a beginning of the year Mass with our homeschool group a couple weeks ago, and my sister-in-law and I divided up the task of making enough cupcakes to form a cupcake Rosary.  We only needed a cross (not perfect at all, but I did my best, eh?) and 59 cupcakes to represent the beads.  Here are some pictures - one of my helpers and one of the finished product....

**I thought if we could use cupcakes to represent the beads, then why not construction paper circles.  We don't have an actual bulletin board in our house to decorate each month, but we have lots of empty doors and wall space.  Not fancy and elegant, but simple and very meaningful!  So, we followed the similar pattern as the cupcakes, plus the kids will continue working on drawing/coloring each of the mysteries throughout the month.  Here is what we have so far....

Glorious Mysteries 
The Resurrection and Pentecost 
(made by:  Melody and Ariel)

  • Joyful Mysteries
    The Nativity
    (made by: Ariel)

    Sorrowful Mysteries
    The Agony in the Garden, The Scourging at the Pillar, and the Crucifixion
    (made by:  Pookey, Mario, and Max)

    Luminous Mysteries
     Wedding at Cana
    (made by:  Max)
A lot to keep these little ones busy, huh?  I'll try to post a finished picture at the end of the month!

**We had a special visitor over last week and knew it might be a little overwhelming to re-create the cupcake rosary, not to mention the belly aches if the 9 of us and 1 of him had to finish it.  So, we made a 9x13 rosary cake and used M&M's and Kit Kat's.  Much more suitable for a smaller scale!!

Some links for this month:

We love our crocheted Rosary roses and use them for when we pray at home and also at our Little Flowers gathering each month.  You can buy your own set here.  
How to pray the Rosary

A sweet post by Jessica on the Catholic child and the Blessed Virgin

Many posts here from Catholic Icing on the Rosary

What are your plans to celebrate this month of the Rosary with your family??

++Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you;
blessed are you among women,
and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners
now and at the hour of our death.

What is ConQuest??

"Conquest is based on Catholic principles of spiritual development. Its programs are designed to instill virtue, develop character and encourage spiritual growth, while offering its participants challenging physical, intellectual and spiritual activities within an atmosphere of adventure."  (from the ConQuest website)

Our boys have been in ConQuest since Fone (who is now a 7th grader) was in Kindergarten.  Once each week, Neil and all three big boys eat a quick dinner and take off to their weekly ConQuest meeting at a local church.  What once started as a group for homeschool boys and their dads, has branched out to now include all the local parishes.  It has been a wonderful experience for our boys in virtue training and forming good, holy friendships.  How blessed we are to have such an active group!!

Max is in the Father/Son division, which is for ages 5-7.  He tells me each week his favorite part is playing dodgeball, but mostly I think he loves running around with his buddies.

"The Father & Son Program provides an opportunity for fathers to participate in their sons' formation and to introduce young boys to God the Creator and Father. Stories of Biblical heroes demonstrate how God's heroes assist Him in His work. The boy is thereby motivated to become one of God's heroes."  (from the ConQuest website)

  Mario is in the Junior division, which includes ages 8-10...

"In the Junior Boys Program, the theme of Jesus as our Brother and Friend is used to inspire each boy to establish a natural relationship with Christ. Christ taught us how to love through his example of obedience to his Father. Using this example, the boy learns that obedience is good and that being obedient out of love for God will help him to become a better person. The program reinforces basic elements of friendship, such as trust, loyalty and sincerity."  (from the ConQuest website)

 Lastly, Fone's group is called the ConQuest Club, and this group is for boys 11 on up....

"The Conquest Club Program uses a very unique methodology (ECyD) that provides the boys with Experiences, which help them form deeper Convictions, which finally will help them make good Decisions the rest of their lives. In the Club, the adolescent finds a happy, healthy and attractive environment, where they will form themselves in the fundamental aspects of their personality. In order to complement the family, the Club Program develops an internal dynamic of intensive team life, made up of a youth group of friends. Through this environment they develop Catholic leadership and project themselves in works of social and cultural volunteerism, according to their age."
(from the ConQuest website)




 ++Thank you, God, for faithfilled groups like ConQuest that help lead our boys closer to you and teach them how to love and serve you in their daily lives!++

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Wordless Wednesday **Fun In A Box**