Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Grimm Get-Together

photo credit of Davenport Junior Theater  (I was sitting off to the side, holding a baby on my lap, thus *my* picture turned out terrible) 

Fone and Mario, our two oldest boys had an opportunity to take a week off school last week and attend an acting camp.  It was our first experience with any real theater experience and it was nothing but positive! We're hoping to get all our bigger kids active in some sort of class this summer.  So, without further ado, may I present you with the play....

Did you recognize our boys???
Fone = the third ghost 
Mario = Tailor Swift

My first guest post

A little over a week ago, the kids and I wrote up a review of our books on Saint Patrick for a Lent Book Series over at Reading Catholic.  You can read our post here.

Although it was a book review, we couldn't help but include a song the Trinity.  Gotta love our Youngun's singing and dancing....

++St. Patrick, pray for us!!++

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Frozen birthday party

"Some people are 
worth melting for!!"

Yesterday, we had a blast celebrating Ariel's 8th birthday with friends and cousins, "Frozen style"!!  Here is our take on a "Frozen style" party!!


Snowman Buttons

 Snowman Pizza
Snowman-shaped cheese pizzas:  one had a white sauce (Ranch dressing) and the other normal pizza sauce (a BIG thanks to my dear friend who hung around for a bit after dropping off her daughter and helped me create these!!)

 Snowman noses

Snow Dip (and apples)
This is my favorite fruit dip yet!!  Easy peasy... use one box of white chocolate instant pudding, but mix it up with buttermilk instead of normal milk.  Then fold in one 8 oz tub of cool whip.  Viola!!!  Nummy!! 

 Ice Cubes
Three layer jello jigglers (blue, purple, blue):  These layered jello jigglers have become a staple at birthday parties and also a regular that we take to parties.  Easy recipe as well - each layer contains 2 cups boiling water mixed with 2 small boxes of jello (same color/flavor) and 2 Knox jello packets.  Let this layer harden in the fridge, then do a second layer, and then repeat again! 

 Snowman Popcorn
A decorated snowman face on a clear cup filled with popcorn

 Melted Snowman drink

And, last but not least - the CAKE!!!!
A sweet momma made this homemade from scratch, gorgeous cake for Ariel.  It is Elsa's snow castle: a hexagon shaped layered cake, complete with glittering snow (frosting with sprinkles), ice (rock candy) and sugared-snowflakes!!  What talent she has!!!  Isn't it lovely?!

Fone was our little activities coordinator for this party and has been for many of our parties lately.  He has taken this role over so beautifully, does it all on his own, and really does a tremendous job!!  I am so proud of him!  For Ariel's party, he created a treasure map that included the 4 games and snowflake-shaped clues were given after each game was completed.  Each clue was a code letter that they had to break - and the 4 letters, from solving the code spelled the word "EVIL".  It said to rearrange the words, then that new word would have part of a room in the house where the treasure would be found....  "EVIL"  ------> "LIVE" -----> would lead them to the LIVE-ing room.  There they would find the treasure (goodie bags, of course!).  Here are the games he planned....

Marshmallow Attack
This one was fairly simple.  Fone had colored and made the Marshmallow Monster from the movie and the girls threw snowballs at it and attacked.  After each girl had their turn, they received a snowflake clue.

Do you want to build a snowman??
This one was probably the favorite of all of them.  It also took a while, and made us lose some time on the last game.  But, man oh man, it was a riot!!  The girls were divided up into 4 teams.  Each team got a snowman building kit (2 rolls of TP, tape, hat and scarf, construction paper and scissors) and we put them each in different rooms of the house, so as to not "cheat" and "steal" other's ideas. They did a great job and had such a blast with this one.  I think from now on, our birthday party gift of choice will be toilet paper and tape!!  Hee hee!! 

Pin the Nose on Olaf
Mario, our artist, drew a huge Olaf character and Fone made the carrot noses.  Then, just like Pin the Tail on the Donkey, we spun the girls around and they had to give Olaf his nose.  A classic game, but always fun!!

We found and printed these mazes for each girl to do, but we ran out of time for them to actually complete them (because of the awesome timewe had with the snowman building game).   No worries - as they ate cake, Fone worked them through this, gave them their last clue to find the treasure.  

**Goodie Bags/Party Favors**
Each girl received, as their treasure, a lovely decorated brown paper bag - decorated by the birthday girl herself!  In it were some fruit roll ups, chapstick, Snowman Soup (see picture below), Snowman Parts (see picture below) and some other goodies. 
(large marshmallows, candy corn, stick pretzels, and chocolate chips)

(mini marshmallows, hot chocolate packets, candy cane)

I think, I great time was had by all!!  
Happy 8th birthday to our sweet girl!!

++Thank you, God, for Ariel, for 8 years of life with her, and birthday fun with friends!!++

8 things we love about you

Another birthday for one of our Youngun's today!!

Happy eighth birthday to our sweet Ariel!!

In celebration of 8 blessed years God has given us with you, we wanted to share 8 things we love about you!!!!

#1- Your shining smile brightens up the room and cheers our own souls.  

#2- your JOYful personality, which goes with #1.  That smile that shines so bright and beautiful come from the JOY deep down inside of you.  Your JOY comes from our Lord and He blesses us abundantly through you!!

#3- Generosity - you are the first one to give your toy away in a squabble, the first one to give someone their own way and let go of yours in a disagreement, and when you get a new toy/game/candy the first thing you think of doing is sharing it.

#4- Whenever we see or hear an emergency vehicle, you are the first to remind us that we need to pray.

#5- This goes along with #1 and #2, but we absolutely love your giggle!!!!  

#6- It is so exciting as a mother to see where God leads you in life, especially since He has planted on your heart a love of Blessed Mother Teresa, her order and a possible calling for you to join someday!

#7- You are such a helpful little girl.  It is not uncommon that you come to me and ask "Mommy, is there something I can do for you?"

#8- We love your shorter haircut and how you love it so much.  You know what you like and you aren't afraid to express it!!  What an adorable girl you are!!

 ++Loving God, you created all the people of the world and you know each of us by name. We thank you for "Ariel", who celebrates her birthday today. Bless her with your love and friendship that she may grow in wisdom, knowledge, and grace. May she love her family always and be faithful to her friends. Amen. ++

Monday, March 10, 2014

LEGO Quest - part 1

Fone and Mario have been busy building, creating, re-creating scene by scene and video-recording using their thousands of Lego's and their new Stop Motion video app.

It has been such a great way for them to be together, be creative, bond, and create memories at the same time - win, win!!  So, without further ado, I now present you with....

LEGO Quest - part 1

Way to go, Fone and Mario - 
we are so proud of all your hard work!!