Wednesday, August 6, 2014

CSJ Boys Camp - "Love one another"

I have three boys, well two boys and one big boy (hubby), who have been recovering the last couple days from an exhausting, spiritually overwhelming and inspiring four night camp with the Community of St. John.  This is THE highlight of their summer and I'm so grateful to have such a loving, generous husband who has taken vacation days the last four years to take part in and help lead this great opportunity for our boys.  Gotta love a daddy that is as involved as he is - I am one blessed gal!!

This year's theme was "Love One Another".  Last year's theme was "Go and Make Disciples".  Here's the t-shirt design that my husband helped create and order for the boys....     (good job, babe!!)

One thing I look forward to every year is watching the camp video, because I get to see all the fun the boys had during the camp-out.  You can see that it involves many fun outdoorsy activities (sports games, swimming, treasure hunt....), but also many great faith-filled opportunities as well (confession, Mass adoration, Marian procession....).

Another added fun element from this year's campout was a couple of the young adult helpers and some boys posed as pirates and snuck up on the larger group of boys while they were out swimming at the lake.  I had tears in my eyes, I was laughing so hard at times!!  With goofey adventures like this, it's no wonder the boys LOVE this camp....

++Thank you, God, for the Community of St. John for leading this wonderful camp every summer for our boys and giving the boys such a beautiful experience on what living their Catholic faith is like. Thank you for your Body of Christ, living and present and shining so brightly on retreats like this!!++