Friday, January 23, 2015

7 Quick Takes and an Instagram Recap

I'm so sorry that I have not been blogging very much.  Just the story of my life - loving these young ones and keeping busy with the normalcy of being a momma and teacher to them.  You can catch me so much easier on Facebook and also on Instagram though - it's just so much quicker to add pictures or posts there via my phone.  So, today's 7 Quick Takes is mostly a recap of my latest Instagram photos....

I've been a busy lady painting peg doll saints for the last two weeks.  I had to make 20 dolls to swap and trade with a group on Facebook.  We can't wait to get 20 different saints in the mail in a couple weeks.  Any guess on who this little guy is?  Two symbols that he is often pictured with are a flaming torch and a crucifix.

It's January, so why not do some swimming, eh?  Swimming lessons indoors, of course!!  All 6 big kids are taking lessons right now!

Fone and Mario took part in an acting camp last spring and absolutely loved it.  And we all know how much they love acting and being on camera, starring in Funny Boys Productions!  Anyways they have been begging to take part in some sort of acting class again.  So, we bit the bullet and signed not just Fone and Mario up for classes, but also Melody.  Two weeks at it now, and they are really enjoying it.

Both big girls got haircuts earlier this week.  Melody had many inches cut off, and Ariel had a few cut off as well.  I think their hair looks great, don't you??

This sweet girl!  Here is Rose rocking in my great-grandma Johnson's rocking chair reading a book, by the Christmas tree.  I think we can all agree that she IS absolutely adorable...

Tonight, we had our monthly freezer cooking.  Seriously, I think freezer cooking is a huge sanity saver for me.  It's so wonderful to have a nice selection of meals to pull out to feed your family many times each week with no prep.  And, many are crock pot meals, so all you do is dump the meal in the crock pot and turn it on.  Easy peasy!!  We made BBQ chicken, cheeseburger pie, breakfast burritos, mozzarella meatballs, chicken cacciotore, chili, and more!!  Such a wonderful, productive night!

Now, I know this is the only non-instagram recap, but I have to include a shout out to these very handsome and talented young boys.  If you are on YouTube and would like to subscribe to their Funny Boys Productions channel, I know they would most appreciate it!  Here are two of their latest videos....


Join in the fun at This Aint's The Lyceum to add your own 7 Quick Takes or to see what's happening with others!!  Just click the logo below....

Diaper wreath tutorial

My sister had her first girl last week after three boys, so as you can imagine, that house will be exploding in pink!  My sisters and I have gifted each other with a diaper wreath during our hospital stay after having the last few babies, and I've made my sister-in-law one with her last few babies as well.  They are such a fun, easy gift and it makes a lovely decoration to hang up at home for awhile too!  Melody was my little crafter and completed all but the last steps of creating it this time.  Here are the steps to create a diaper wreath:

Step 1.  Wrap wreath/ring in a color of your choice.  We use a styrofoam ring, and they are easy to find at your local craft store.  You can secure the ribbon by stapling it or using push pins, and you only need to do this to the ends.   

Step 2. Cut many strips of curling ribbon.

Step 3.  Attach diapers to wreath and tie on with curling ribbon.  Keep going all the way around until the whole wreath is covered.  

Step 4.  Attach baby items with curling ribbon and attach a larger loop to hang the wreath from.  We included these items this time:  baby sleeper, onsies, diaper cream, baby toy, and infant's tylenol. 

Isn't it such a beautiful gift to give a new baby?!!  

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

"Tempting God?" -OR- trusting God??

I've wrote and shared our story with all my c-sections and most recently had my 8th c-sections a little over three months ago.

You may ask why I am bringing this up again.  If you have read or watched the headlines on the news today, then you know why.

The bunny breeding comment, I can laugh at.  I've already been laughed at and joked about being a "good breeder" by family and friends.  With my nursing issues and needing to pump for 6 weeks with my last two babies, I can laugh and refer to that as "milking myself".  I can laugh that comment off and not take it personal - that's no big deal.  In fact, I kind of do see what he means - not every family is called to the same family size.  As long as Catholics are in line with the faith and not contracepting, then you will most definitely see God blessing families in varying and different ways. That is His call to choose our family size, not ours.  To have fun with this comment of his and all the fun on the internet about it, I had the kids draw bunnies today for art class.  Here's some of their drawings in progress....  (I will post the final products later)

It was this comment that most shocked me, because the situation of the mother is extreme just like my situation - having many c-sections and risking her life...

"That example i mentioned shortly before about that woman who was expecting her eighth (child) and already had seven who were born with caesareans. That is an irresponsibility (That woman might say) 'no but I trust in god' But God gives you methods to be responsible. Some think that, excuse me if i use that word, that in order to be good Catholics we have to be like rabbits. No. Responsible parenthood! This is clear and that is why in the church there are marriage groups, there are experts in this matter, there are pastors, one can seek and i know so many, many ways out that are licit and that have helped this. you did well to ask me this"  
(~Pope Francis' translated words)

I am feeling a bit punched in the gut today, or maybe even another momma being pierced in the heart. We've already received much persecution and questioning from friends, family, church family and community, homeschool community, and even priests.  Now today, I'm feeling somewhat scolded by our pope.  I hope and pray this is just a bad translation, but if not it's a good reminder that we are ALL human and have our opinions.  And, that's exactly what this is- his opinion, not church teaching.  
What bothers me the most is the mom who has 3 or 4 c-sections and is reading these comments and the pressure she will now feel to do something permanent to prevent another pregnancy.  It is a cross and it is hard to trust, but you just gotta do it!!  I am so thankful for the solid teaching and faith-filled examples of good priests, deacons, and friends that we had to guide us with our cross of multiple c-sections and high risk pregnancies.

Here's my beautiful little guy who was born via my 8th c-section.  

Was it a risk?  

Is it a miracle that I am here today?  

Was I "tempting God" -OR- trusting God?
Trusting God!

And that is exactly why we have faith....
to do our very best at loving and following Him, and then put our lives in the hands of God and trust Him to do what He wills best.  

++Thank you, God!!!++

Friday, January 16, 2015

Trying to stay warm!!!

Last week, we had multiple days with temps below zero and super strong winds.  Cold enough and scary enough to cancel schools in our area a couple days.  So, what did we do all week?  Well, pretty much canceled all plans and hibernate in a nice, warm house.  The picture above is a great representation of what most of the kids wore all day just to keep warm!!!  Gotta love soft, warm robes and fun slippers, eh?  

++Thank you, God, for keeping us warm and safe in the arctic cold temps!!++

A good morning song for you... (and Yoda!)

For years, I have sung this song to my kids in the morning.  First off, I am not a singer, although I love to sing to my kids and to Jesus. [My husband is the singer in the family, remember?  His name is Neil Young.  ;)]  So, once my kids have grown up a little and learned that, unfortunately, this song kind of makes them cringe hearing mommy hit those higher off-tune notes. But, God gave me this voice, so I'm still going to keep singing.  I love how the traditions you create and the kids are so used to day in and day out, become part of their own life, part of their normalcy.  So, what song do they greet their baby brother with in the morning?  The ever-so-famous-song-sung-to-them-for-years song!   :)

++May God bless you this day, each and every day!  Good morning, good morning, good morning to you!!++