Monday, February 9, 2015

4 months old now

Babies growing too fast - nothing new.  Always wish you could keep them little, but then you look at your big kids and thank God for all those growing stages - their cute squishiness of being a babe, learning to walk and talk as toddlers do, getting into things you shouldn't in the 3's and 4's, growing up and the maturity that comes so natural at that starting-school age, and then it just flies after that.  Each grade, each level, and then before you know it, you can't keep up with them.  Our oldest, Fone, is translating Latin paragraphs and doing Algebra problems even I don't remember off the top of my head.  So, as much as I want to "keep them little", I know I can't and I do my best to cherish each stage.

This little guy - cute, squishy, sweet, smiley, and another one of those miracles that God gave us through our "yes" with many risks and fears.

++Thank you, God, for the last four months with Yoda and the blessing he is to us all!  Please continue to shine your life and grace and love through him!!++