Saturday, March 12, 2016

How To Survive A Visit To The Doctor With Littles (and a Photo Shoot)

Pookey and Rose have been sharing fevers and coughs this week, and I thought I better take them into the doctor before the weekend to see if anything else was up.  They checked out ok and we were told it "was just a virus".  Phew!!  Glad it wasn't anything major, although days of fevers/coughs and being stuck in the house does take its toll.  So, we're going to let the stinkin' bug run its course and hopefully kick it goodbye soon!

For this appointment, I only had Pookey (6) and Rose (3) with me (not the whole crew of 8), but it's still a handful to keep them happily contained in those four walls of the room waiting for the doctor to come in.  We get "your kids are always so good and well-behaved", "you have some of the best kids we see here", and "how do you do it?" all the time when we are out and about at libraries, doctors offices, museums, grocery stores - you name it!  And, I guess I could say that I do have really good kids, and I do, it is true.  But, its the hard work and "tricks" and prayers that have helped them become this way.  Here are some of my pointers in surviving trips to the doctor....

**Prep Your Kids**
Remind them during the drive where you are going (doctor's office) and that they need to be on their best behavior.  Knowing their expectations and why they should behave properly is HUGE.  Do not forget this step.  It's a key to going anywhere!

**Play Games**  
We like "Mother Says", just like Simon Says.  Also, "I Spy", although this is a short-lived game as most of the rooms are pretty bare and empty and your run out of things to spy pretty quickly - lol!

**Sing Songs**
Yes, don't be afraid to belt out a little "If You're Happy and You Know it" or "Old MacDonald Had A Farm" or "Mr. Sun" or "Five Little Ducks Went Out To Play".  The louder the better.  The more motions the better.

**Take Pictures**
You got it!  Get out that phone and click away.  Silly pics.  Happy pics.  Sleepy pics.  Whatever they want to do pics.  Here's our fun pictures from our visit this past week...

So there ya have it!!  Try to add a little fun to the uncomfortableness of waiting to be poked at while at the doctor's office.  I promise it will make the time go faster!!  Enjoy these moments with your kids.  You will be happy you did!!

For more, How Do You Do It (HDYDI) posts, click HERE.