Thursday, March 16, 2017

You are 11 and a little bit of HEAVEN!

We have another birthday!!!

Our gorgeous Ariel turns 11 today!!!

Happy birthday, sweetie!  We love you SO much!!

To celebrate these last 11 years with you, we each wanted to share the things we love about you totaling 11....

#1 ~ How you like to give hugs- you won't let someone leave the house without giving them a hug and a kiss "goodbye" (dad)

#2 ~ How you play city lego's with Max and I (Pookey)

#3 ~  Your CrAzY laugh (Melody)

#4 ~ your snuggles (Lady)

#5 ~ How you are so kind and caring and always willing to help (Mom)

#6 ~ How you sit with me at bedtime while I fall asleep - you are my bedtime buddy!!  (Yoda)

#7 ~ That you play Minecraft with me (Max)

#8 ~ That you play Barbies with me (Rose)

#9 ~ I like to play card games with you (Fone)

#10 ~ That you are always looking for reasons and ways to help around the house when no one else wants to (Mario)

#11 ~ She's my best friend (Melody)

++Thank you, God, for Ariel!!!  Please bless her abundantly over the next year!!++

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Wordless Wednesday: Oh where, oh where, does the time go?

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Celebrating A Special Birthday

March 4th

"March Forth!  
It's a command, you see!"  

These are words my Grandma Morris would share often regarding her birthday.  What a cool day to have your birthday - the date forming a "command".  I can almost see and hear her say that now, with her sweet smile and smiling eyes.  How I love and miss those times.  But, I am thankful for our memories and so blessed to be able to carry them on.  She would drop off yummy treats and baked goods every year on our birthdays and make sure to call and sing "Happy Birthday" too.  These small acts given were HUGE acts of love received.  Ones that I hope to carry on and bless us others with as well.  We've definitely taken over the singing of the "Happy Birthday" song and are known to even play the piano while we sing it.  She was my only grandparent who was musically inclined (piano and mandolin), and I know it brought so much JOY that my own children were in music/piano lessons.

One of her signature treats were Rice Krispie Treats - cut into squared, wrapped in wax paper (like a little present) and topped with a sticker.  It was so special to get them every year!  We looked forward to them on our birthdays and holidays.  She would never forget.  And who remembered them this year?  Not I, I must say.  My awesome husband!!!  He was the one who remembered and said we need to make them.  So it became a family project!  We used the standard Rice Krispie treat recipe and made up three batches and them shared them at a family get-together that same night.

I never had a write up on my Grandma Morris as she passed away in December of 2010, which was before I started blogging.  So this is my first sharing about her.  What a blessing she was to me!!  Here are some pictures I could find of her....

(A family birthday we had at our house - whose birthday - dunno!  But you can tell these kids have changed a TON since then!  Love the smiles from Grandma in the background.  She sure loved all the kids!!)

 (Grandma and Grandpa Morris with baby Melody)

(Grandma Morris, my mom, Grandma Hamerlinck)

 (Grandma and Grandpa Morris with Ariel, 7 months old)

 (Grandma and Grandpa always made it in to visit our new babies in the hospital, but little Max was born on a nasty snowstorm so we had NO visitors in the hospital for him.  They did make it over when he was a couple weeks old though - in this picture!)

(My dad with his parents - again another family birthday party at our house - for our August birthday kids, Fone and Melody) 

(Fone's 7th birthday party) 

(Grandma and Grandpa with Max, who was just a little over a year old here)

++Thank you, God, for the life and love of my Grandma Morris.  I pray she is already in her Heavenly Home, smiling down upon us.  May her love and intercession be with us daily!++