Saturday, June 24, 2017

New DOs

Rose got her very first haircut just recently.  It was SO long and was getting a little too much for her styling tastes.  She wasn't liking me combing out the tangles every day.  So our rule is - if you are going to have long hair, then you have to take care of it (or at least mommy help you take care of it). I told her that shorter hair would be easier to take care of and wouldn't have as many rats.  So she jumped at the chance of getting it cut to make it more manageable.

And look who else got a haircut too...

Friday, June 23, 2017

You Whittle WOOD...



A hard lesson our son Mario learned this month.  A couple stitches later and he was all sewn up and back to normal.

Thank God it was a pretty minor accident, but it was our first set of stitches in our family nonetheless.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Wordless Wednesday: Totus Tuus Shaving Cream WARS

Monday, June 19, 2017

Playing Betty Crocker

When you have a wonderful big sister who gifts you with cherries from her cherry tree, you need to be creative on how to use them.  

First you must....

Wash 'em

De-stem 'em

Pit 'em

(and it's really nice to pawn those 3 jobs off on your 14 year old son, if you have one)

Cut 'em in half 

And then...

Make a PIE!!!  

So my baby sister and I got together last Saturday morning and made CHERRY pies!  My very first homemade fruit pie with a homemade crust.  Yeah, can you believe it?  And, I was pleasantly surprised that it wasn't that difficult.  What do you think?  

It sure tasted great!!  Next up will be a homemade apple pie.  With a homemade crust again!! I can get used to this Betty Crocker thing!  ;)

What are some of your favorite ways to play Betty Crocker?  
What do you like to bake?

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Pentecost Sundaes on SUNDAY

Easter came to a close a couple Sundays ago on Pentecost.  And we celebrated Pentecost with a fun dessert....

Pentecost Sundaes!!

Dove Chocolates --------> Holy Spirit

Red Hots --------> Tongues of Fire

Sundaes --------> we ate them on a Sunday (Pentecost Sunday!!)

It's so much fun to celebrate our faith in fun and yummy ways like this!!  :)

Saturday, June 17, 2017

You're A Grand Old Flag

Our new favorite colors are....





You may ask why?  Who oh why?  Because my nephew has joined the military and given of himself to serve our great country.  And it has made us all feel a bit more patriotic.  And what a wonderful thing to turn our hearts and souls to a better appreciation for the USA!!

So, to celebrate, Neil, my dad and my brother-in-law all helped each other install flag poles at each of our houses.  Here are some pictures of the install and some pictures of the ground work/landscaping and of course, the finished area with our new grand old flag.  Our Max even set up some of his army guys in the area under our flag.  Way better than a fairy garden, eh??

And, here's my dad's flag flying high as well...