Friday, August 9, 2019

A much needed summer rain

A couple days ago, a hard summer rain popped up.  In the middle of a drought.  After record breaking rainfall amounts and a massive flood in the spring.  Just a few short months ago.

We were all sick of rain and wanted it to stop more than anything else.  It did stop.  And didn't come back for a long time.

So, when it started to fall, I kicked the kids out.  It was so refreshing.  Cool.  Life giving.

And these kids squealed and giggled and loved every minute of it.

They made "Yellowstone geysers" with their chalk and the puddles.

And a couple even stripped down to their undies since their clothes were sopping wet.

++Thank you, God, for the refreshing rain you sent our way and for the JOY you brought my young ones who danced and skipped in the gift of rain you poured down upon them!++

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Our FIRST homeschool graduate

It seems almost unbelievable that we've made it this far!

I blinked and our first young one has graduated and is ready to take on whatever God puts in his path.

It's been such a blessing to not only be his mother all these years, but also his teacher.

I thank God for being the one to teach him...

his letters and numbers...

 how to read and write...

how to love and appreciate music...

that it's okay to have fun and be silly...

how to explore and fall in love with the great big beautiful world all around us....

teach him who Jesus is and our beautiful Catholic Church....

all about the saints...

learning and living virtue (which the teaching comes so naturally in a big family, since there's always someone who needs help or held)....

and SO MUCH MORE!   

And this was all done alongside his 8 siblings, who love him and look up to him and truly know him since they've been his "classmates" all these years.  THIS has been the biggest blessing of all!!  Siblings becoming best friends!!  

It's amazing to look back and somewhat take a breather.  I can change my "I think I can" to "I did it!!!" and "we made it!!".

All through God's love and grace and wisdom!!!

Congrats, Jonathan (aka "Fone" - here on the blog)!!
I love you and am SO proud of you!!!

++Thank you, God!!++

A fun little find!!

Sometimes ya just gotta share the amazing things you find. This book is SO much more than a book!!! We checked it out from the library, but it’s going on a birthday wish list now!

Each page is fun and silly and interactive!! 

What are some fun finds that you have discovered lately??

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Easter 2019

May you be blessed with much JOY this Easter season and always remember the hope we have in the Risen Christ!!

Thursday, February 28, 2019

St Valentine's Day

"The greatest love story of all time is contained in a tiny white Host." 
~ Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

How true that is!!  Where would we be without Our Lord?  How blessed we are to have the ultimate gift given to each of us in the gift of the Eucharist.  May we each center our lives around Jesus and keep our focus always on him.  

How blessed we are to have so many reasons as Catholics to celebrate and St. Valentine's Day is one of those days.  Here's some of our fun from this year's celebration....

St. Valentine's Day party...

"Somebody loves me!"  
(valentine made by his cousin)

Pookey won one of the candy guessing games.   

The Greatest Love of All is found within the Sacred Heart of Jesus!  

Treating his ladies right!!
(he also brought home Mexican take out for me!)

++St. Valentine, pray for us!++

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Wordless Wednesday: Another Show Went On