Friday, May 13, 2011

Lord, fill me with your breath of life....

Today, I’m joining in on a 5 Minute Challenge…  it involves reading a prompt and responding on it in 5 minutes, without any preparation. 

The topic for today is BREATHE…
Ready, Set, Go!
Wow!  This is something I strive to do on a daily basis.  Not because I need physical help, my lungs are functioning absolutely fine.  It’s just that I get caught up in doing too much, too fast on my schedule and not His. 
When I feel overwhelmed, I often say, “I just need to BREATHE”.  My children can quote me on this one too often.  SLOW DOWN is what this really means.  It’s a moment for me to STOP and BREATHE in the presence of God, who is carrying me through the to and fro of our days. 
He is there to fill me with His breath of joy…  when a little one begs me to “stay” and snuggle for just a few more minutes in the morning.
He is there to fill me with His breath of patience…  when three children all need assistance with their schoolwork at the same time, while the 5 year old just stole a really cool toy away from her now screaming toddler brother, the baby is eating the dog’s food and playing in the spilled water, AND of course, the phone is ringing.  These are true tests of patience.  Am I going to lose it?  Or am I going to BREATHE? 
He is there to fill me with His breath of humility…  when we arrive late time and time again for scheduled activities to make me realize that I am not as “perfectly” punctual as I used to be.  Not quite “perfect” anymore…
He is there to fill me with his breath of encouragement…  when I get a phone call from a friend who just wants to say “hi” at the exact moment when I really needed a listening ear OR when scripture or my devotional says just the right thing at the right time.
He is there to fill me with His breath of responsibility…  when I know I have been called to serve and need to chose to do it with love even when I am not feeling it inside. 
He is there to fill me with His breath of love…  in His own gift of life to fill me on a daily basis and through all His thousands of gifts that are meant just for me.  I just have to make sure to take the time to stop and BREATHE and recognize His presence throughout my days!
Ding!  It’s been 5 minutes (or so…).  I guess that means I am done. 
Won’t you join in on this challenge today??  Go here to read and link up and don't forget to BREATHE!   


  1. "He is there to fill me with His breath of love… in His own gift of life to fill me on a daily basis and through all His thousands of gifts that are meant just for me. I just have to make sure to take the time to stop and BREATHE and recognize His presence throughout my days!"

    That makes me breathe deep.

    Thank you for sharing this today. It is beautiful.

  2. Stated Beautifully! Even thought my "young" ones are all grown up, it is sooo easy to forget to breathe and see the miracles present all around us everyday! Thank You for sharing!

  3. Thanks, Mary and Teresa! How blessed we are to have a God who is present to us throughout our days. God bless you both!! <><

  4. "He is there to fill me with his breath of encouragement… when I get a phone call from a friend who just wants to say “hi” at the exact moment when I really needed a listening ear"

    great reminder. seems others need us to encourage them when we feel the need of it most! great to see where the true source of it is! for all of us. thanks again:)
