Monday, August 24, 2015

Another year gone - 14 things we love about Fone...

I am once again amazed that I have a teenager in the house.  It seems like just yesterday we became parents for the first time, but today marks the 14 YEAR ANNIVERSARY of that day!!

Happy 14th Birthday Fone!

To celebrate your 14th year, here are 14 things we love about you...

1. He's funny and likes to play video games. (from Ariel)

2. He sometimes plays Legos with me and Max. (from Pookey)

3. You are responsible, smart, helpful, and an all around good kid.

4. You are handsome, our Mr. Prince Uncharming.

5. You are a reader like me. (from Melody)

6. He's my cuteness and I'm his cuteness. (from Rose)

7. He nibbles and smooches on my head. (from Yoda)

8. He is my older brother. (from Max)

9. He makes YouTube movies with me. (from Mario)

10. He is my best "fwend" (from Mario)

11. He has a great sense of humor.

12. He is an excellent and driven student.

13. He is great at showing love to his little brother and sister.

14. You are great at acting and improv!

Happy Birthday to our first son and our oldest child!  
We love you very much!