Friday, September 25, 2015

7 QT's - Instagram recap of our week

Joining in with This Ain't The Lyceum for 7 Quick Takes Friday via an Instagram re-cap style....

A week ago, we had a nice rain and I decided that I would be nice enough and let the kids go outside in the rain to run around in, splash in, and get all wet.  Not everyone took me up on this offer.  But 5 of the 8 young'uns did!!  What's one more load of laundry, eh?  

This little guy has now been crawling for just over two weeks now and can get everywhere he wants.  Including the laundry basket!!!  Isn't he the cutest laundry helper ever??  

Sams trip stocking up on groceries for the week - only hubby, these two little cuties and myself...

Pope Francis arrived in the US on Tuesday, and like I mentioned, we had to celebrate his visit from afar.  Flat Francis has been hanging out with us and has come along to some activities with us this week.  Poor sweet Flat Francis hasn't made it to all of our events and was left at home or out in the van.  It's been fun though, for sure!!  We've especially enjoyed watching EWTN all week.  And, I can't wait to read this post with link-ups from many of the ladies from CWBN (Catholic Women's Blogging Network).  

Who needs a toy drum, starring our little guy, Yoda??....

Both Melody and Mario have been cast to star in Hansel and Gretel, that our local junior theatre will be performing next month.  So, we've been trucking here at least three times a week for play practices, not to mention the other two acting classes our kids are in!  Thank goodness the grounds are beautiful and there is so much room for our kids, not in practice/class, to run and play.  

Tired momma with baby who doesn't sleep very well..... yeah, that's me.  In this picture, I had just got nursing lil Yoda and got him to sleep.  He sleeps only after being rocked, nursed, or traveling in the van.  Never falls asleep on his own in his crib.  No schedule whatsoever.  He'll be one in a couple of weeks.  Still doesn't sleep through the night.  Wakes/nurses at least twice.  I'm okay and love him to pieces, but man, am I tired.  I've never had a baby with sleep patterns like this.  And, I just can't lay him down and let him cry it out.  That's just not me.  Funny with him being my 8th, things are just so different.  Silly guy!  

***Please join in on the fun and stop and take a look at all the other Quick Takes by clicking the image below***

A mess-up turned into beauty

A lesson for us all:

Pookey comes to me with the saddest face ever because he "messed up the card" that he was making for his Aunt when he drew a "horrible heart" and then he scribbled all over it because he hated it.

Oh boy! Teaching moment.... 
Our messes can be transformed into something beautiful. 
It is never too late. 
There should never be any giving up. 
Sometimes you just need to show your messes to someone who love you. 
Someone who will not judge or put you down. 
And then they can help you make them into something beautiful.
This lesson can point us to Above as well.  Our Lord can take our weaknesses and mess-ups and turn them into strength and something beautiful for Him.

Look at this transformation.  Afterwards he said it was "the most beautiful heart ever". All it took was a little love. A little encouragement. A little help.
++Thank you, God!!++

“Behold, I make all things new.” 
~Revelation 21:5

Your turn!!! Share some messes that have been turned into something beautiful....

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Pope Francis visits the US - activities for kids!

Oh yes!!  He'll be here on Tuesday.  Well, "here" meaning the United States!!  And, we *know* he'd be visiting us personally if he had some spare time, eh?  ;)   But since we know he's a busy man and we couldn't swing out to visit him, we had to celebrate these days nonetheless.

When I saw this Flat Francis idea, I jumped on it!  We couldn't go to see him, he couldn't visit us, so why not bring him to us in a special way - as Flat Francis!!

I printed out a schedule of his visit, so that we can refer to it throughout his stay, and a couple more print-outs.  And, I'm sure we'll be watching EWTN plenty as well.  Can't wait!  :)

Stay tuned - we are planning on taking lots of pictures of Flat Francis during his stay with us and sharing them here on the blog!

***click on the image below to take you to a beautiful post on praying a Novena during the Papal visit***