Friday, August 24, 2012

A blessed "11 is Heaven" birthday to our Fone

Here's last years post on Fone's birthday that included photos from birth up until 10 years.  This year, I am sharing photos since his 10th birthday - the past year.  What  blessed year it has been.  He is still strong as ever in his personality which helps him succeed in so many things.  What a gift he has been given in that!  He is super intelligent, kind and caring and will jump to help when asked (even if it is after a couple times because of his "selective hearing").  He's always found with a nose in a book and can read for hours on end.  He is such a wonderful son, brother and friend and is a blessing to all.  May he grow even closer to our Lord over the coming year!

Mario and Fone at the Fall Festival 2011

showing off his balloon animal at the John Deere Race - 2011 - gotta love his goofey look! 

Fone passing around the grains at the Pine Creek Grist Mill

fall 2011

helping his sister, Ariel, with her piano lesson - you can see the JOY on his face helping her! 

the building brothers! 

now the shooting brothers - cap guns from St. Nick

lifting up his baby brother to help him reach

one of our favorite family games to play - Disney Headbanz

Fone boogie-boarding at the Dells - Jan 2012

Fone took over leading and planning Max's 4th birthday party - here he is leading the scavenger hunt

reading and sharing with his family the best book of all time

Easter 2012

building brothers again!

making May Day flowers - 2012

Fone swinging Pookey

Fone giving Pookey a piggy-back ride and a walking-break at Swiss Valley Park - 2012

May 2012 (taken at Swiss Valley Park)

Thanks for the wonderful year, sweetie, and adding so much JOY to our life! 
Happy 11th birthday!!   
We love you so much, Fone!!!!

Loving God, you created all the people of the world and you know each of us by name. We thank you for Fone , who today celebrates his birthday. Bless him with your love and friendship that he may grow in wisdom, knowledge, and grace. May he love his family always and be faithful to his friends. 
(taken from birthday blessings)

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Brave party for our sweet 8 year old

We LOVE to do themed birthday parties at our house.  When the movie Brave came out a couple months ago, the girls and I HAD to go see it.  All three of us fell in love with it.  My girls are so much like the character, Merida - they are very much the princesses in our house, but with four brothers, they are very rough and tumble and love the outdoors.  So, it was no surprise to me when I asked Melody what theme she wanted that she chose Brave. 

And a huge thank-you to Google and the amazing technology right at tip of our fingers.  I found loads of ideas and stole a few.  Here's a look at some things we prepared for the party ahead of time....


  • Large PVC bow and arrows (my sweet nephew made 5 of them for our family - he made a variation of this bow and arrow) - see pics below....

I meant to take a picture of our dinner, but the three hours seemed to fly-by that I completely forgot to snap one.  The dinner menu included:  chicken legs, mashed potatoes & gravy, corn, fruity jello.  A meal meant for a princess like Merida! 

Now for the pictures of all the fun.....

practicing with the mini bow and arrows inside

the crew of girls and their mini bow and arrows

Now they are ready for the BIG bow and arrow shoot out!! 
the target

Dinner fit for a princess!!  (at least a princess like Merida!)

Melody and all her friends  ready for cake-time (the Brave cake that I worked so hard on - NOT!  (unless I can count taking 6 kids to the store to pick it up???) 

8 is definitely GREAT!!!
What a wonderful time we had!!  Melody is such a wonderful daughter, sister, cousin, and friend!  She is such a blessing to us all.  And, what a pleasure it was to totally spoil her this night and make it all she wanted it to be!  Love you sweetie!!! 

Thank you God for the last eight years we have had with this beautiful girl!!! 

Mini bow and arrow set (for a Brave party)

Melody had a Brave themed birthday party and these mini bow and arrow sets were one of the hits of the party.  And, the best thing about them is that the arrows are safe and you'll never run out of them because they are made from Q-tips!!  How clever!!  Here's how we made them....

supplies:  Popsicle sticks, dental floss, knife, q-tips

Step 1:  Make notches on both ends of the Popsicle sticks with a knife (you may have to zoom in to get a better look). 

Step 2: Soak the Popsicle sticks in water for at least an hour (to help them bend)

Step 3:  Snip off one end of the Q-tips to make the arrows (I used a sharp pair of scissors) and did this while the Popsicle sticks were soaking

Step 4:  Wrap a long strand of floss around one end of the Popsicle stick a few times and triple knot it.  Then gently bend the stick and wrap the floss around the other side a few times and triple knot it.  Cut off any leftover floss that is hanging off. 

Viola!!!  We gave each girl who came to the party their very own bow with 3 little arrows in a Ziploc bag.  They had so much fun with them.  I know we will be making plenty more of these soon - my boys want their own as well!  What a fun, easy craft! 

(a big thanks to the Brooding Hen for sharing her tutorial)

Eight is great!!

Our sweet Melody is celebrating her 8th birthday tomorrow.  We've had a very busy weekend - her friend birthday party last night and her family birthday party tomorrow.  She is also sharing her family birthday party with her biggest brother, Fone, since his birthday is five days after hers, and also my sister who gave away her birthday to Melody since they share birthdays!  (thanks, Carie!!)

I will post pictures of Melody's Brave-themed party from last night as soon as I can.  But, more importantly, a reminder of how precious she grew since birth and a whole lot of pictures of her from this past year....

Melody with her sister (Ariel) and cousin before their first Little Flowers gathering of the new school-year

Melody, her cousin, and sister (Ariel) ready to ride the Dragon at the Fall Festival

Melody and Ariel proud of their medals they won at the John Deere race

Melody, a sweet friend, and sister (Ariel) and their dandelion crowns

Melody, her sister, and cousins at the Apple Orchard

Enjoying fall and the LEAVES!!

our sweet, smiley Melody

St Lucia day

the Fab Four on our trip to the Dells

First Holy Communion

our busy little weaver

one of our many trips to play BINGO at the nursing home

Easter 2012

Daddy Daughter Dance

stomping in the creek at Swiss Valley Park

bit by a hippo at the Lego Museum for her FHC trip

Melody and a GIANT butterfly at Brookfield Zoo for her FHC trip

We love you so much, Melody!!!!!!!!

Loving God, you created all the people of the world and you know each of us by name. We thank you for Melody, who today celebrates her birthday. Bless her with your love and friendship that she may grow in wisdom, knowledge, and grace. May she love her family always and be faithful to her friends. 
(taken from birthday blessings)