Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Guess who is 1-derful??

Our sweet little "Rose" is 1-derful now!!  (she has been now for a little over a week)

Where, oh where, does the time go?  It seems as if yesterday that she was our itty bitty baby and now she's our chubby girl! 

Here are pics from when she was 1 month2 months, 3 months, 5 months, 7 months, 8 months, 9 months, and her praying 11 month pose.  Surprisingly (okay, not so much!) Rose is "winning" the highest number of blog posts here out of our kids. We ALL just can't get enough of her! 

Here are some pictures of the weekend of her first birthday.  She was hesitant about that bright pink and orange frosting at first, but soon enough, she was covered in it.  Hee hee!!  We finally washed her up when she smeared it in her eyes.  Silly goose! 

We had a photo shoot with my side of the family the day after she turned one, and here are a couple pictures that I snapped of her....

Loving God, you created all the people of the world and you know each of us by name. We thank you for "Rose", who just celebrated her birthday. Bless her with your love and friendship that she may grow in wisdom, knowledge, and grace. May she love her family always and be faithful to her friends. Amen.