Friday, January 31, 2014

Our favorite versions of "What does the fox say?"

The mean mom and dad at this house doesn't let kiddos search and watch videos on YouTube on their own, but they know they are free to watch the videos posted on our blog.  So, I'd thought I'd be a nice mom (for once, eh!!  mark your calendars!!) and post their three favorite "what does the fox say" videos.  The first one is a brand new one, and SO good (my favorite one of the three)!!!!!!!!! 

I hope that has you dancing
and singing along, now!!! 

Theme Thursday: Barns (trapping edition)

I know this is my second post on Theme Thursday, but I had to separate this post from the last one...  This one may stir up some negative comments (with the furs of animals hanging from the barn and the proud trappers standing near), so I had to separate it from the "cutsie" one.  This barn is marked in all of our memories and has served so many purposes throughout the years.  My father over the last couple years completely re-roofed the barn with some buddies.  It was a HUGE undertaking, but he did it.  (he has a little stubborness in him, and obviously didn't learn from the first fall out of the barn - silly guy!)  Anyways, not only do we have farming roots, but trapping genes as well. My dad trapped as a young boy and is proudly passing on this art to his sons-in-law and grandsons. One of my brothers-in-law (the one in the picture below) has really latched on to this art and is doing quite well - he recently opened up his own business, in which he makes and sells trapping baits (Camp Creek Trapping).  These pictures were taken up against *the barn* with all their treasures from trapping season a few years ago...

For more Theme Thursday posts on barns, click on the picture below....

Theme Thursday: Barns

Having grown up in the country as a country girl with chickens, ducks, sheep, goats, pigs, a horse (only for a couple days - lol!), plenty of dogs and cats, and fields of corn and beans to surround us, I have plenty of memories of "the barn"...

*the barn my dad fell out of and broke his leg when they were baling hay and getting the hay up into the loft (although this happened before I was born!)

*the barn that housed our sheep - "Happy" and "Birthday" and all the ones to follow, not the mention the rest of the farm animal crew

*the barn my sisters and I played in for hours swinging down from the hay loft with the long rope and landing in the pillow of hay bales below

*the barn where my dad stored tractor after tractor after tractor....., all GREEN, of course!  

*and many other memories which I am forever grateful!!

And, now as a grown momma myself, the barn in which we all posed for family pictures in November of 2013....

~My wonderful parents~

~My parents, 3 amazing sisters and I, and 
2 brothers/intercessors in heaven above~

~The whole crew~

~The "real" version of the whole crew~

~My amazing husband and 7 "arrows" 
that God has given us to raise~

~My beautiful (goofey) "arrows"~

These will probably be my favorites out of all the pictures ever taken, because of the big red barn as the background!! 

++Thank you, God, for the big RED barn++

Join other Theme Thursday barn posts by clicking the picture below....

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

A poem to share

"Dogs and Cats"
by:  Melody

Dogs are cuddly, dogs are cute,
But their puppies are never mute.
Cats are fuzzy, cats are nice,
Except when it comes to mice.
Cats and dogs, dogs and cats,
Friends for you and all the rest. 

(This was her reading assignment today - to read some poems and create her own.  She did it all on her own!!  I think she did a super job!!)

Monday, January 27, 2014

"Months of the Year" song and poster

A couple weeks ago, Pookey and Max created a handpainted "Months of the Year" poster to share with the residents of the nursing home where my Grandma lives.  They were planning to sing the "Months of the Year" song and hold the poster, during a talent show.  It was an opportunity to share their love and talent with the residents.  All five big kids performed at the event:  Fone played piano and did his black belt TKD form, Mario was in a magic show and did his black belt TKD form, Melody and Ariel both sang "Gold" and played piano, and Max did his TKD form and sang this song.  Pookey got to sit in the van with Rose and I, because as we arrived and were unloading to head in, he said he "had a belly and might throw up".  Sigh - I couldn't go in and chance a sick little guy with all those wonderful "grandmas and grandpas".  So, Pookey never officially performed until now - his blog debut of the "Months of the Year"....

This was such a fun project - what kid doesn't love to get their hands all dirty and full of paint, only to create a lovely piece of art??  

Didn't it turn out great???  


**we learned this song many years ago when Fone and Mario were little - it is on our Sounds Like Fun cd
**you may remember from a year and a half ago, Mark made a similar poster and sang the same song at a Fine Arts Festival.  We like to stick with what works in our house!!  :) 

"You say grace...."

Sarah, over at Amongst Lovely Things, is hosting a "Weekends with Chesterton" this year every weekend.  How great is that!!  A reason to study and share your findings -brilliant!  (I need all the accountability I can get)    I know I am a day late after the official weekend, but truly this quote came to me yesterday, I promise!!  So, I still consider this a "Weekend with Chesterton' post.  (my first one actually!)

"You say grace before meals... 

a meal with Tigger & Friends - April 2013

But I say grace before the 
concert and the opera,
Cat Chat - 2013
Toby Mac concert - 2013

and grace before the 
play and the pantomime,

Fairytale Christmas - Circa 21 - 2013
Nutcracker ballet - 2013

and grace before I open a book,

and grace before sketching,
sketching lessons at Disney - 2013
sketching at Disney - 2013

"Months of the Year" painting - Jan 2014


fencing, boxing, walking,


and grace before I dip the pen in the ink."
~G.K. Chesterton

++Thank you God for the wisdom and delightfulness 
of G.K. Chesterton, his writings, and his love for You, 
and all these reasons to give you thanks and say 
"grace" all day every day!++

Friday, January 24, 2014

GiTar Dan sings for our clan

Last April, we were super blessed to have spent an amazing vacation in Disney World.  However, right now we are stuck in the midst of another blast of arctic air and are hibernating in our house, and are in desperate need of a little reminder of warmer days.  So, I finally uploaded this video of GiTar Dan singing a song he made up for our family.  He used to hang out in Camp Minnie Mickey in Animal Kingdom, and makes up and sings songs for people.  It was funny because we broke a record for him - having had the most kids he has sung about!  And, he quoted how blessed we are to have such awesome kids - "the coolest kids in Illinois".  Awwwww, how did he know?!! 

(with all the renovations in Animal Kingdom and Camp Minnie Mickey now gone, it sounds like you can find GiTar Dan by the Conservation Station instead)

Dancing with Disney friends

It is going to be so hard packing away these Christmas decorations this year, since Rose loves them so much.  You touch the button, the music begins, and she starts to boogie!  And, must I say, she is a very good dancer too!  Hee hee!!  These are always one of the kids' favorite gifts from St. Nicholas each year.  This year, the theme was Disney characters, which we were absolutely thrilled as we are HUGE Disney fans!  Last year, St. Nick brought the angels set, and the year before that, was the Charlie Brown set.  So we don't have to forget how stinkin' cute Rose is when she dances with Mickey, we had to record a video...

Did anyone hear her say "Mickey"?  I think she did....

Thursday, January 23, 2014

My Daybook: January Edition

Join me today to take a "little look into the day plans and thoughts of those who are focusing on of the everyday moments."

Outside my window...
It is sunny and cold right now, with a temperature of -1 and windchills around -20 and -30 degrees.  Brrrrrr!!

I am thinking...
a lot about Cursillo plans and menu's.  What a huge undertaking my sisters, mother and I have taken on, but a great blessing.  We love to be with each other, we love to cook together, and we love to serve God together - so chairing the kitchen for the next two years just seemed like our next calling together. 

I am thankful...
for "closed doors" and "newly opened windows" and how God always take care of us.  Two changes in our lives happening soon!  

In the kitchen...
wassail, of course!!!  Great warm drink on a chilly day!  And the smell is amazing!!  

I am wearing...
some cutsie slippers that one of my sisters gave me for Christmas, and you kind of see my reflection in the picture above (jeans and a pink thermal shirt!).  

I am creating...
my first ever "daybook" post (the post you are reading!!).  I've always admired and enjoyed reading others' daybook posts.  I have now joined the club.  
I don't ever want to forget...
*this cute chubby baby
*that I really was once taller than Fone, although for not much longer
*the cute way Pookey talks - soft voice and a growl-like sound sometimes at the end of his sentences (so hard to explain, but the cutest thing ever!) 

I am going...
to stay home ALL day where it's warm. 

I am wondering...
how to balance being a good wife, a good mom, and a good friend.  I am failing with at least one of these consistently....

I am reading...
The Mysterious Benedict Society as a read-a-loud to the kids (such a great series of books!!!) 
33 Days to Morning Glory  for myself, and also attending a weekly retreat meeting on this
....and countless other books that I have started and will someday finish.  In God's perfect timing, right?

I am hoping...
to continue to work on my New Years Resolutions to become the best version of myself.  Have been failing in many areas this past week, and need to step it up a notch. 

I am looking forward to...
going to Circa 21 Dinner Playhouse this weekend to celebrate the birthdays of two special ladies in my life - my mother-in-law and my sister-in-law.  They are not only wonderful relatives, but great friends!  How blessed I am to have them in my life!!  The current show is Buddy Holly, and I've heard rave reviews!  Super excited!!  
 I am learning...
how to turn to Mary more and trust her with my sacrifices, prayers, and acts of love.  She will present them to her Son in the best and most beautiful way possible.

Around the house...
Rose is walking all over the place and getting into everything. We need to do some more child-proofing - as she puts everything in her mouth. 
In the schoolroom....
Full day today at the Young Family Academy even though the public schools are cancelled all around us due to the dangerous wind chills.  This was the third week that our kids took part in a little extra learning outside the house - a sweet mom with 18 years of homeschooling experience is teaching them Latin, Creative Writing, and History once a week.  These were the subjects that I either am clueless on or have no passion for at all.  God provided though with this wonderful opportunity and I'm excited to see where it takes us!  


I am pondering...
the sacredness of life and all the little lives around me.  Yesterday was the March for Life, and always a good time to reflect and ponder on where we are in our society, how we got there, and what to do to improve.  Gosh - we definitely have a long way to go when it comes to the value of life.  How blessed I am to be a mom, and to have these little people to keep me focused on what is important - dying to self daily so that they/we can rise together. 

A favorite quote for today...
"My dear, dear brothers, our dear little, little mother, the Immaculate Mary, can do anything for us. We are her children. Turn to her. She will overcome everything."
~St. Maximilian Kolbe

One of my favorite things...
walking in and finding the kids playing so nicely with each other - will never tire of this!! Always such a grace-filled moment.  


A peek into my day...
Rose "filling and spilling" and Pookey "building a tree" and he let Rose "chop it down".....