A few Fridays ago, one of our homeschooling groups hosted "An Evening of Fine Arts". Over 100 people came to the event and children/teens shared their art in various ways - paintings, sculptures, crafting, singing, playing instruments, dancing. etc... It was a such a beautiful display of how God has gifted all of our children. Here are some pictures and videos of our talented Young bunch....
Max- 4 years old
"Months of the Year" - song and poster
Months of the Year handprint poster/calendar
Marble painting (left) and "Two Face" crayon drawing (right)
Ariel - 5 years old
playing "Twinkle, Twinkle"
"Fairy Land" clay (and other materials) display
"Flower Garden" handprint painting
Marble painting
Melody - 7 years old
2 piano pieces: The Woodpecker Song (by: Melody Bober) and Spanish Guitars (by: David Kraehenbuehl)
"Fantasy Garden" made by clay (and other materials)
weaving art
weaving art
"Butterflies" using chalk, pastels, watercolors
Mario - 9 years old
2 piano pieces: Rebecca Lewis) and Pumpkin Patch (by: and Rickey Raccoon (by: Melody Bober)
"Jack Skellington" clay art and crayon background drawing
"Castle" Lego art
"Walking Through the Streets" coloring pencil drawing
Fone - 10 years old
2 piano pieces: Race Car (by: Carolyn Miller) and One Dreamy Morning (by: Kevin Costley)