Thursday, February 5, 2015

Catholic "Book Detectives" book club ~ Little Nellie of God

We are so blessed to have so many active homeschooling groups and opportunities for homeschoolers in our area.  A couple weeks ago, I had received an email about a "book detectives" book club group starting up soon.  It was being offered by a homeschool group that I haven't really done much with and I was hesitant going (it's always hard to be the "newbie").  But I was so happy when I recognized a friend (from a different homeschool group, which we are both active in) who was commenting and interested as well.  And, then the thought hit me.... maybe we should have a Catholic "book detectives" group and we could use books from Catholic Mosaic!  She was all for it and today was our first meeting.  What a hit it was!  My friend chose to "dissect" the book Little Nellie.  She had the kids take turns reading the book out loud (such great practice!) and then they broke the book down into the different parts (see picture).  She also read Brigid's Cloak since it was her feast day a couple days ago.  I helped entertain the toddlers, babies, and older kids upstairs with my sister-in-law.  What a wonderful learning opportunity it was!!!   Here are some pictures from our afternoon together....

Bigger boys entertaining themselves with games....

Sweet little girls tearing apart the house and playing so sweetly with each other...

 "Book detectives" playing the how-many-kids-can-you-fit-on-one-couch game while they are dissecting and learning about the book...

(and maybe you recognize this sweet momma friend of mine- she blogs at Annery at Home.  Go now and see her beautiful blog!!)

++Thank you, God, for fun in learning, especially when it includes learning with friends!!++

(for more info on where the "book detectives" idea came from, see this site!)

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