Guess who's 5 months old today?? Our sweet baby Rose, of course!
Remember how tiny she was when she was born? She was a month early when she was
born on November 9th. She's sure gotten a LOT bigger since then, huh??
We have been fighting colds, ear infections, sore throats, etc... lately and we even had to take Rose in for a sick appointment. She decided to celebrate turning 5 months old with a double ear infection and the NP even said that she doesn't have pnuemonia "yet". Phew! Thank God we dodged that bullet! I was shocked when we weighed her at the appointment --- our fat little girl gained 5 pounds since January!
In honor of Rose turning 5 months, here's 5 pictures to celebrate....
Great-Grandma Young's "smiley eyes" |
See what I was hiding behind my fist! :) |
Tummy Time!! |
Do you like my rubber band wrists? |
May God bless our sweet little Rose! |