*the barn my dad fell out of and broke his leg when they were baling hay and getting the hay up into the loft (although this happened before I was born!)
*the barn that housed our sheep - "Happy" and "Birthday" and all the ones to follow, not the mention the rest of the farm animal crew
*the barn my sisters and I played in for hours swinging down from the hay loft with the long rope and landing in the pillow of hay bales below
*the barn where my dad stored tractor after tractor after tractor....., all GREEN, of course!
*and many other memories which I am forever grateful!!
And, now as a grown momma myself, the barn in which we all posed for family pictures in November of 2013....
~My wonderful parents~
~My parents, 3 amazing sisters and I, and
2 brothers/intercessors in heaven above~
~The whole crew~
~The "real" version of the whole crew~
~My amazing husband and 7 "arrows"
that God has given us to raise~
~My beautiful (goofey) "arrows"~
These will probably be my favorites out of all the pictures ever taken, because of the big red barn as the background!!
++Thank you, God, for the big RED barn++
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Such great family shots!