What a wonderful treat to come home from the Festival of Trees to a box full of lovely ornaments for the upcoming Advent season! We have incorporated the Jesse Tree devotion into our Advent plans for about 10 years now and LOVE how it tells our story of faith from the very beginning. It's such a beautiful and appropriate way to ...w...a...i...t... out the season of Advent and take one day at a time. So, when I saw that Karen was hosting a Jesse Tree ornament swap, I jumped on it and was thankful to get in! It can be pretty time-consuming to make 35 different ornaments, but to make 35 of one single ornament and swap with 34 other people is totally doable! It worked out great and I am so happy to have participated and even happier to see how lovely they turned out. They are much too cute and adorable to keep to myself, so I thought I'd better share how we will be re-telling the story from Creation to the Nativity this Advent....
1. Creation (earth) Genesis 1: 1-23
2. Creation (man & woman) Gen. 1: 24-31
3. Fall of man Genesis 3: 1-15, 20, 23
4. Noah Genesis 6: 5-20, 7: 1-23, 8: 1-17, 9: 1-13
5. Abraham Genesis 12: 1-5, 13: 14-16, 18: 1-10, 21: 1-3
6. Isaac Genesis 22: 1-14
7. Jacob Genesis 27: 41-44, 28: 10-17
8. Joseph Genesis 37: 3-4, 4: 17-28
9. Moses Exodus 2: 1-10, 3: 1-12
10. Moses 7-14, 19, 32
11. Ruth Ruth 1: 1-16, 7-22
12. Samuel 1 Samuel 3
13. Jesse 1 Samuel 16
14. David 1 Samuel 17, 19: 1-2
15. Solomon 1 Kings 3
16. Elijah 1 Kings 17 & 18
17. Elisha 2 Kings 5
18. Isaiah’s prophecy Isaiah 8: 6-7
19. Isaiah Isaiah 6
20. Daniel Daniel 6: 11-17, 19-25
21. Jeremiah Jeremiah 31
22. Angel Luke 1
23. Zechariah Luke 1
**this is the ornament I made**
**this is the ornament I made**
24. Mary, Mother of God Luke 1
25. The Visitation Luke 1: 39-56
26. Joseph Matthew 1
27. Nativity Luke 2
28. Magi (star) Matthew 2: 1-12
29. O Antiphon – O Wisdom
30. O Antiphon – O Lord of Lords
31. O Antiphon – O Flower of Jesse’s stem
32. O Antiphon – O Key of David
33. O Antiphon – O Radiant Dawn
34. O Antiphon – O King of all Nations
35. O Antiphon – O Emmanuel
What do you think? They turned out great, huh?! And, I have to admit that the kids and I were a little overwhelmed when we first opened the box, because only a few were labeled with what Bible story they went with (and I'm just as guilty as the majority because I never even labeled mine - doh!). Anyways, it was fun figuring out which story they matched up with, but I sure hope I did it correctly. If you notice that I have any switched, please let me know! Thanks bunches!!