YEAR 1 -----> When our oldest daughter, Melody, was old enough (2010/2011), I gathered a group of moms from our wonderful homeschooling group and started a Little Flowers group for girls around the same age. I think we might have had a dozen girls that first year and it was the perfect size to host in our home. Similar to our gatherings now, we did saint/virtue teaching and a scrapbook page (thanks to Jessica for graciously creating and sharing hers), a craft related to either the saint or flower or virtue, and also snack time.
original Little Flowers group - 2010/2011 |
Little Flowers - Year 2 |
YEAR 3 -----> For our third year (2012/2013), we offered 3 different wreaths, at our church as well.
YEAR 4 -----> And, the fourth year (2013/2014) was our biggest yet with almost 50 active girls, both from our church family and homeschool group. We had to add in Hospitality 1 since the girls going on their fourth year were not Confirmation age and the wreath 4 book was written as a confirmation prep book. It was a really neat change in pace for these older girls and such a treat to be doing something different than the other three wreaths.
YEAR 5 -----> We are going on our fifth year now (2014/2015) and will be offering all four wreaths, since the wreath 4 book was newly written and is similar to the first three wreaths. I love the geography addition and newer saints in the newly written wreath 4 book and we have three wonderful moms from our homeschooling group ready to dig in and start fresh with brand new ideas to get this wreath going strong!! We have a group the same size as last year and are excited to have another year of friends, fun, and faith ahead of us!
Wreath 1
1. St. Catherine of Siena - Sunflower - Faith (year 3)
2. St. Monica - Ivy - Hope
3. St. Agnes - Peony - Love of God
4. St. Jane Frances de Chantal - Rose - Love of Our Neighbor
5. St. Joan of Arc - Carnation - Obedience
6. St. Cecelia - Forget-Me-Not - Piety
7. St. Catherine Laboure - Violet - Humility
8. St. Frances Xavier Cabrini - Daffodil - Industry
9. St. Bridget of Sweden - Narcissus - Truthfulness
Wreath 2
1. St. Faustina - Lily - Mercy
2. Bl. Margaret Pole - Yucca - Courage
3. St. Clare - Tulip - Joy/Mirthfulness
4. St. Katharine Drexel - Daisy - Generosity
5. St. Angela Merici - African Violet - Prudence
6. St. Teresa Benedicta - Iris - Wisdom
7. Bl. Mary of the Incarnation - Aster - Justice
8. St. Lucy - Poppy - Loyalty
9. St. Elizabeth Ann Seton - Lotus - Perseverance
Wreath 3
1. Saints Mary and Martha - Yellow Dandelion - Eutrapelia (year 3)
2. Saints Ruth and Naomi - Morning Glory - Friendliness
3. St. Margaret of Scotland - Black Eyed Susan - Initiative
4. St. Zita - Cranberry - Organized/Orderliness
5. St. Felicity and her seven sons - Amaryllis - Self-Control
6. St. Anne, mother of the Blessed Mother - Mum - Responsibility
7. St. Bathildis - Lily of the Valley - Patience
8. St. Mary, Mother of God - Blue Phlox - Cheerfulness
9\. St. Julie Billiart - Hyacinth - Fortitude
Wreath 4 (with the new copyright of 2013)
1. St. Mary MacKilliop (Australia) - Golden Wattle - Zeal
2. St. Josephine Bakhita (Sudan) - Hibiscus - Acceptance
3. St. Gianna Molla (Italy) - White Poppy - Docility
4. St. Teresa of the Andes (Chili) - Chilean Bellflower - Unselfishness
5. St. Anna Wang (Martyrs of China) - Plum Blossom - Fidelity
6. St. Marie Marguerite d'Youville (Canada) - Blue Flag Iris - Kindness
7. St. Clelia Barbieri (Italy) - White Lily - Confidence
8. St. Rose-Philippine Duchesne (USA) - Hawthorn - Endurance
9. St. Genoveva Torres Morales (Spain) - Pomegranate - Silence/Recollection
Hospitality 1 - read more on this program here....
Mother Daughter Tea
Our group has thrown an end-of-the-year celebrating every year to celebrate a year of faith, friends, and fun. Here are some of our celebrations...
Year 4 - Mother/Daughter Tea 2013/2014: Our Lady Guadalupe theme
4th year of Little Flowers (at the Mother/Daughter Tea) |
online flower store · 351 weeks ago