Little Flowers

Little Flowers is a Catholic girls club for "ages 5 and up that teaches virtues through scripture, saints' biographies and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Based on the 1906 Catholic classic "The Catholic Girls' Guide" by Fr. F.X. Lasance, and the spirituality of St. Therese, the Little Flower of Liseux, this beautiful, authentically Catholic program, has delighted and instilled in our girls a love of our Catholic Faith for nearly 20 years." (read more at Behold publications)

YEAR 1 -----> When our oldest daughter, Melody, was old enough (2010/2011), I gathered a group of moms from our wonderful homeschooling group and started a Little Flowers group for girls around the same age.  I think we might have had a dozen girls that first year and it was the perfect size to host in our home.  Similar to our gatherings now, we did saint/virtue teaching and a scrapbook page (thanks to Jessica for graciously creating and sharing hers), a craft related to either the saint or flower or virtue, and also snack time. 
original Little Flowers group - 2010/2011
 YEAR 2 ----->  The second year (2011/2012), our Ariel was old enough to join, so she just jumped right into wreath 2 with her big sister and all the other girls.  We wanted to open it up to our church family, and they were gracious enough to let us use the church hall once a month and made it a parish-sponsored event, along with our homeschooling family still being able to take part.  

Little Flowers - Year 2

YEAR 3 ----->  For our third year (2012/2013), we offered 3 different wreaths, at our church as well. 

 YEAR 4 ----->  And, the fourth year (2013/2014) was our biggest yet with almost 50 active girls, both from our church family and homeschool group.  We had to add in Hospitality 1 since the girls going on their fourth year were not Confirmation age and the wreath 4 book was written as a confirmation prep book.  It was a really neat change in pace for these older girls and such a treat to be doing something different than the other three wreaths.  

YEAR 5 ----->  We are going on our fifth year now (2014/2015) and will be offering all four wreaths, since the wreath 4 book was newly written and is similar to the first three wreaths.  I love the geography addition and newer saints in the newly written wreath 4 book and we have three wonderful moms from our homeschooling group ready to dig in and start fresh with brand new ideas to get this wreath going strong!!  We have a group the same size as last year and are excited to have another year of friends, fun, and faith ahead of us! 

Wreath 1

1.  St. Catherine of Siena - Sunflower - Faith (year 3)
2.  St. Monica - Ivy - Hope
3.  St. Agnes - Peony - Love of God
4.  St. Jane Frances de Chantal - Rose - Love of Our Neighbor
5.  St. Joan of Arc - Carnation - Obedience
6.  St. Cecelia - Forget-Me-Not - Piety
7.  St. Catherine Laboure - Violet - Humility
8.  St. Frances Xavier Cabrini - Daffodil - Industry
9.  St. Bridget of Sweden - Narcissus - Truthfulness

Wreath 2
1.  St. Faustina - Lily - Mercy
2.  Bl. Margaret Pole - Yucca - Courage 
3.  St. Clare - Tulip - Joy/Mirthfulness
4.  St. Katharine Drexel - Daisy - Generosity
5.  St. Angela Merici - African Violet - Prudence 
6.  St. Teresa Benedicta - Iris - Wisdom
7.  Bl. Mary of the Incarnation - Aster - Justice
8.  St. Lucy - Poppy - Loyalty 
9.  St. Elizabeth Ann Seton - Lotus - Perseverance 

Wreath 3
1.  Saints Mary and Martha - Yellow Dandelion - Eutrapelia (year 3)
2.  Saints Ruth and Naomi - Morning Glory - Friendliness
3.  St. Margaret of Scotland - Black Eyed Susan - Initiative
4.  St. Zita - Cranberry - Organized/Orderliness
5.  St. Felicity and her seven sons - Amaryllis - Self-Control
6.  St. Anne, mother of the Blessed Mother - Mum - Responsibility 
7.  St. Bathildis - Lily of the Valley - Patience 
8.  St. Mary, Mother of God - Blue Phlox - Cheerfulness
9\.  St. Julie Billiart - Hyacinth - Fortitude 

Wreath 4    (with the new copyright of 2013)
1.  St. Mary MacKilliop (Australia) - Golden Wattle - Zeal
2.  St. Josephine Bakhita (Sudan) - Hibiscus - Acceptance
3.  St. Gianna Molla (Italy) - White Poppy - Docility
4.  St. Teresa of the Andes (Chili) - Chilean Bellflower - Unselfishness
5.  St. Anna Wang (Martyrs of China) - Plum Blossom - Fidelity
6.  St. Marie Marguerite d'Youville (Canada) - Blue Flag Iris - Kindness
7.  St. Clelia Barbieri (Italy) - White Lily - Confidence
8.  St. Rose-Philippine Duchesne (USA) - Hawthorn - Endurance
9.  St. Genoveva Torres Morales (Spain) - Pomegranate - Silence/Recollection

Hospitality 1 - read more on this program here....

Mother Daughter Tea 
Our group has thrown an end-of-the-year celebrating every year to celebrate a year of faith, friends, and fun.  Here are some of our celebrations...

Year 4 - Mother/Daughter Tea 2013/2014:  Our Lady Guadalupe theme

4th year of Little Flowers (at the Mother/Daughter Tea)

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Flowers are words which even a baby may understand.

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