Sunday, November 23, 2014

Hot or cold??

Last weekend, it was clear that with the snow that hit, we changed seasons - fall became winter very quickly.  So, this week, I had to put away all the bonnets and ball caps and get out the hats and mittens.  We also have winter coats now hung where sweatshirts hung not too long ago.

One day this past week, I changed sweet Rose's diaper, took off her jammies and went to her room to pick out clothes for her to wear that day.  Well, like almost any mom, distractions can take over and you can soon forget what you were doing.  I think I at least picked out Rose's clothes, but something made me forget what I was going to be doing next (to put them on her!).  So a little while later (or maybe a long while - lol!), Mario came up from the basement giggling, asking me why Rose is only in her diaper.  Ah ha!!  That was it -I was going to get her dressed - wake up, Momma!!  So, she wanders upstairs and Max comes up from the basement as well.  Sweet little Rose is still only in her nice fresh diaper and Max is in pants, shirt, socks, sweatshirt, and gloves - doh!!  Man, if I didn't feel like a terrible mom....   poor girl had to be freezing downstairs running around and playing if Max had to be dressed that warm to be comfortable.  Ah, the life of a busy mom....

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