Sunday, November 22, 2015

7 Quick Takes - our peg doll collection

I have been painting peg dolls since I first saw them on one of my favorite blogs.  It was the perfect time to start creating our own collection because Ariel and Melody were doing the Alphabet Path as well and having a saint to go with every letter was ideal.  Ideal is the word here...  I only got through painting half the alphabet.  It was a great start though and I was such a newbie.  Who knew painting one doll at a time was actually harder than painting multiples?  I've learned now, by being in many peg doll swaps that painting multiple pegs and trading with a group of people doing the same thing is *the* way to go when adding to your peg doll collection!!

Today's quick take is a peek into our peg doll collection - either created by me, collected through swaps, or bought off of Etsy.  Enjoy!

#1 - our first Saint pegs - half of the alphabet - lol!  This is where it all started!  See how plain they were.  My sweet humble peg dolls.  Goes to show that "practice makes perfect".  Well, not even perfect, but much much better.  But still, oh so special, since these guys are where our collection all began.  (St. George was MIA during the "photo shoot")

#2 - Saint peg dolls (some I painted, some I bought, some I swapped)

#3 - super heroes - the big boys and I painted and gifted Max with a set of his own super hero pegs a couple years ago.  And, the next year, St. Nick brought some fancier painted ones (found on Etsy) for Pookey.

#4 - Star Wars pegs - I painted a whole bunch of the Admiral Ackbar pegs and traded in a character peg doll swap.  See close ups of all these guys here.

#5 - Marian pegs - I think out of all the swaps I've done, this is my favorite!!  We love Mama Mary!!  I painted over 20 Our Lady of Mount Carmels and then traded and received so many beautiful Mary peg dolls.  Click on over here to see our whole set and close ups of all our little Mary's.

#6 - Rose received these Disney Princess/Prince/Pair pegs for her birthday this year.  Aren't they adorable?!!! Well, she is too!  I painted Mulan/Shang and traded for the rest through a character peg doll swap on Facebook.

#7 - here are four sets of Nativity pegs that I recently received from a swap - one for us to keep and three to give away as Christmas gifts this year!!

Phew!  I think it's time to take a peg doll painting break, eh?!!

Jump on over to view and/or take part in some more Quick Takes!!  
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