Saturday, August 23, 2014

13 things we love about you...

Did I just type 13??  How can I be a momma to a teenager?!!  It just happened in the blink of an eye - seriously!

Although we could have continued with this list well beyond 13, in honor of you turning 13, here are 13 things we LOVE about you...

#1 - for being my brother and friend

#2 - you are a fun person to talk to

#3 - you like to read just like me

#4 - we share a birthday month

#5 - you are funny

#6 - you are nice

#7 - he loves me

#8 - he teaches me piano and reads to me

#9 - he loves me and plays with me and I love him so much!

#10 - you are a good student who takes your work seriously

#11 - you are naturally gifted piano player

#12 - your giggle and sense of humor is the same as your dad's

#13 - how you are the first one to make me a momma and to help me know the JOY that comes from loving and serving and giving your life for a child

Happy 13th birthday, Fone!!!  
We love you so much!!

++Thank you, God, for the gift and fun and delight that Fone is to our family.  Please continue to guide him, bless him and help him to be the person You want him to be!++

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