Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Back to (home) school - 2014/2015

I never thought I'd homeschool.  With my background in teaching and my sister-in-law being one of those "homeschool hicks", I just knew that homeschooling wasn't for me.  So when our oldest was preschool age, we proudly sent him to the local Catholic school, knowing we were making the right decision.  After a few months in, something didn't feel right.  The Rosary hanging on the wall, the name "Catholic", and the church sharing the same parking lot, didn't seem to make a huge effect on what he was bringing home - Halloween celebrations instead of All Saints and Advent seemed to jump right to Christmas as he learned all the typical secular Christmas songs - "Rudolf", "Frosty", etc....  BIG red flags going up, for sure!!  We were paying for a Catholic education and weren't seeing much faith taught at all.

So, what do we do?  Look that CrAzY "homeschooling hick" sister-in-law of mine and consider the unimaginable!!  What a step of humility!!  Our sweet Fone had a late August birthday, so we decided to make the next year a "trial homeschooling year" - really we couldn't screw up.  If it didn't work, then we'd send him to Kindergarten and he'd be the oldest in his class.  And, after a couple months of homeschooling our new 5 year old, there was a sense of peace, despite the toddler and baby and house I was trying to keep up with as well.  Amidst all these jobs as momma, cook, maid, nurse, and now teacher, there was that sense of peace and God telling us to "stay"!  So, guess what?  We did!!!

And our sweet Fone, once a Kindergartener, is now taller than me and in 8th grade homeschooling at the Young Family Academy!!  For the 2014/2015 school-year, we have six students....







And, this sweet beauty of ours is too cute to not include, although she is not an "official" student yet.  She's actually more of a distraction at times, but adds so much JOY and fun times to our days!  


So how did day 1 go??  Here are some snippets and pictures to go along with our fun day....

These two birds were up and going way too early and woke me up all ready to begin their first day in Kindergarten and First Grade.  Such sweet boys...

We did our morning routine (get dressed, brush your teeth, make your bed, eat breakfast).  Oh yeah, gotta share the "breakfast of champions"....               

(or not!  thinking practical - lol!)

But I guess it is truly considered a "breakfast of champions" when you add in Soul Food (daily Mass readings podcast played from our Laudete app)...

Our kids trucked along with all their subjects and I was very happy at the ease of teaching 6 kids when you choose curriculum wisely.  We oped for a no-schedule-type-of-day and just took turns sharing the computers as needed and things went very smooth.  We have tried MANY different types and styles and one thing I have realized after the years go by and babies keep coming is that we need "practical" and "simple" and so far we are happy with the choices we made for this year (much more computer-based learning than in the past).  With our sweet baby coming in October, it gives me much confidence that the kids will be able to continue with most of their subjects for those first few weeks of transition while I snuggle and love and on our little guy and do lots of reading and resting from the couch with our youngest students.  Here are some pics of our sweet kids working their little tails off...

By the time the daddy/"principal" came home from work, all school was completed, graded and put away back in the tubs and on the shelves....

After a wonderfully, successful, blessed day #1, it was a necessity to celebrate with our favorite local ice cream....

++Thank you, God, for the unexpected calling of homeschooling you asked us to take on years ago, and the many blessings and fruits it has shown along the way!++

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