Sunday, May 21, 2017

Welcome, Jesus!!

Our Pookey received his Second Holy Communion yesterday and his First Holy Communion the week before.  All in the midst of my recovery from my surgeries and a 5 day stretch of fever after the surgeries.  We had to cancel his party at our house afterwards, but the most important part was the Sacrament and him receiving Jesus for the first time.  He was so sweet and reverent and did a great job with all his preparation this year.  We are super proud of him and love him so much.  And what a blessing Our Lord gets to reside in him whenever he receives Him in Holy Mass now!!  It's such a turning point in our faith and a huge step in our kids' lives where they seem to grow up overnight.

Jesus, come to us.

 Lead us to Your Light.

Jesus, come to us.
For we need you.  

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