Sunday, October 9, 2016

My Sunday Best {{volume 3}}: In Which I Look Like A Pumpkin

Tomorrow I will be 33 weeks!!!  A little over 3 weeks until we get to meet our little princess!!  We can hardly wait!!  :)

We have now entered into cooler weather here in the Midwest, so I had to get out some long sleeve shirts, pants and my favorite knee highs.  Oh!  They feel so good with my nasty varicose veins.  I chucked the compression hose after a few days this summer because of how uncomfortable they were.  But knee high socks?  I can totally do those!!!  :)

So, here I am looking like a pumpkin in my orange maternity sweater with my favorite maternity denim skirt.  Also posing with me is my sweet Rose, the only one still in church clothes.  (didn't remember to take the picture until right before dinnertime).

Hop on over to Rosie's blog to join in on or view the other mommas sharing their Sunday Best, by clicking the image below....

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